Make It A Great Day

Make It A Great Day: Listen to the Opinions that matter

Ryan Lee Season 2 Episode 11

Who's opinions matter to you? Do you have a list of those that mean the most to you and care about your strengths and weaknesses? We spend too much of our time focused on the opinions of those that don't matter and don't want you to succeed. Let's learn together on who to make a list and cut out the noise. 

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Well, good morning, and welcome to the Make it a great day that power positivity Ryan Lee coming to you live and direct Hope everyone is having an unbelievable last few weeks of summer for those of us in Oregon started to See a little bit of the rain But that's not gonna take away from us We're gonna keep that positivity flowing Always sunshine, rain, snow, sleet, Hail It does not matter if you got it inside You're always feeling groovy. Today we're gonna talk about something that is really, really, really I think timely and what's happened in our world. And that is the power of opinions and other people's opinions about you and how much stake you should put in those for those who have been listening. Thank you so much for those of you that have not well, welcome and get ready because we love to start it off with a quote in Today's quote is this. I carry a small sheet of paper in my wallet that has written on it the names of people whose opinions of me matter to be on that list. You have to love me for my strengths and my struggles burn a brown. I think about that. I got a small sheet of paper. I've written down those that matter most to me and love me and care for me in my greatest times into my hardest times. Those the opinions, in my opinion, on agree 1000% that matter. But opinions are things that get thrown around all the time, and it is hard not to take it personal, whether it's you, right in a tweet, somebody responded back in a negative fashion, whether it's to your leader of a company, we've got glass door. I would post all the time about people that aren't happy with some of our performances. You know, opinions are key because I think we can always listen to them. But if they're just being thrown out there to cause harm and to not give feedback and information about how we can improve and get better, should we be listening to that? You know, the definition of opinion is it's a view, you know, it's a judgment. It's something that's formed in the mind of a particular Matal. But it's it's that view in that judgment, and each person is a little bit different and in a lot of ways, really. What I think matters most is to those that are around you and what those opinions are. And I've said this a town unties my life. Do you go to sleep every night and feel confident? You did everything you could every single day to be the best you could. Obviously, you probably weren't perfect on the end of us are. But you did your best. And when you wake up the next day, you renewed and revived and ready to get better the next day. I think that is the opinion that you should care about. And it's also your own opinion of yourself. Whose opinions are you listening to about yourself? Do you have that list? Are you only listening to the ones that should matter, the ones that love you for your strength and your struggles? Or are you listeningto all of the noise everywhere? Do you think about your self esteem? It's really the confidence in satisfaction and one self. If you don't have great self esteem opinions, air going to sway you if you are rooted in great self esteem and you've got your confidence in your satisfaction opinions or things that are to come at you. You're gonna be able to self digest those you're gonna have your filter, and you're gonna know which one's you should listen to and which ones you shouldn't. And the ones I believe that you should listen to or again the ones that are the people that are on your list. Everyone else, in my opinion, doesn't matter. They don't know you. They don't know your struggle. They don't know what you've been through a lot of times they're just casting judgment based on very little information. If you take that to heart and you let that sway you were change you just because of what they said, you're missing out. You got to be strong and who you are. And you've got to do that by surround yourself with great people and let those opinions guide you. We all can get better. Great perspective comes from all different walks of life, but that perspective and that information should be from those that want to see a succeed, not tearing it down, to do yourself a favor and for those that are giving you opinions and information that are not trying to make you better stop listening to them. Do yourself another favor. Make that list. Put that in your pocket, or your wallet or your purse or whatever that might be and carry it with you. Remind yourself that those are the ones that do matter. You know, in my list, it would be my wife. It would be my kids would be my parents would be those that are around the damn clock closest to. But for those that don't like me, I'm okay with that. I'm not gonna be liked by everyone. I want their opinion of me to be good to the best of my ability. But if they're just going to cast judgment and they don't walk in my shoes and they don't know the struggle that I'm at, I don't think that that opinion is actually factual of who I am, And I'm not gonna let that sway my self confidence or my self esteem. I'm just not gonna let it happen. And again that comes down to knowing who matters in your life. So at the end of this podcast, get that sheet of paper right those names down and do a really good job. A shut out the noise. Build your self esteem, Get that confidence going, get better every day. You're not perfect and you need opinions. But again, you only need those opinions for those that want to see you succeed. I pull you down. You don't have time for that. None of us do. Structurally, it's it's not great. It's not. It's not making us a better society. It's not making us better humans. If people want to see you fail, I don't know what's going on in their world. But you know what? They got too much time on their hands, and you shouldn't be listening to him. Listen to those that matter and when you do, but the power of positivity flow through. You buildup that self esteem and do that for others. Help him give him great feedback, help them get better in want for them to get better. We need more of that. With that, I hope you make it a great day. Thanks for tuning in. And don't forget to write those names down on that sheet of paper.