Make It A Great Day

Make It A Great Day: The Power of Inspiration

Ryan Lee Season 3 Episode 1

Every day we are given the chance to inspire others. It can be small acts of kindness to standing for an injustice. Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes but its central theme is to leave someone or something better. We have all felt the pull of inspiration this past week given the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and 8 other amazing humans. When I think of Kobe I think of how many people he has inspired thought out his life. Because of this, his legacy does not end with him leaving our world it lives on through those that have felt his presence and will continue to live his Mamba Mentality. Be an inspiration and thank those that inspire you. 

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Well, hello and welcome to make it a great day. The power of positivity. Riley coming to you live and direct from beautiful Eugene, Oregon. Hope everyone has had an incredible new year. Got through January. Hopefully you're still on whatever you may or may not have committed to as I shared in the last podcast. One of things that I've been working really hard on is rather just coming up with these crazy, different things that I'm gonna do for resolutions of trying to come up with a mantra on my mantra for 2020 is hungry, humble in kind. Those the three things that I want to do this year I always want to stay hungry. I always gonna be humbled. But most importantly, I always want to be kind. I'd strongly encourage all of you to come up with a mantra or come up with a note card or have something with you that allows for you to see this year to be the best year possibly can be For those who that have been listening. Thank you so much. We always appreciate the reviews for those of you that have not welcome. And this is your first time, but those that know it's quote time in today's quote is this. The most important thing is to try and inspire people so they can be great in whatever they want to do. The great Kobe Bryant. The most important thing is to try and inspire people. Inspiration, man. What a tough and brutal week. It was last week to know that Kobe and his daughter and seven other amazing human beings lost their lives in a very tragic crash. But it's what they leave behind. It's the inspiration that we start to think about and moralizing and let us kind of percolate through it. And I want to talk with inspiration because I think inspiration is one of those things that many people say they want to inspire others, and they want to have a big effect, but a lot of times being an inspiration and doing things for others. Man, it takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of energy, and it's not always something I think people sustain. I think Kobe was a really good example of someone that sustained it a lot to his career. I think a lot of times his career. In the beginning, his inspiration was showing everyone that he was a 17 year old. I was drafted and no one really believed he could be who we could be. And he wanted to prove those data is wrong. And he wanted inspired those that if you work hard enough and you have that mama mentality, you could do anything. But I think his greatest inspiration as you continue to grow and obviously met Vanessa and got married and built a wonderful family together. I think it was inspiring his daughters to make a dent in this world to leave this world a better place than where they found it. When you think about inspiration, what does that mean with a word? Inspiration comes from the word inspired, and that's about an ant standing or brilliant in a way or degree to suggest divine inspiration. Divine. Anytime we get divine in there were thinking God, like we're thinking this is majestic, but really, it's about finding something to allow for you to be brilliant or to do something different that disrupts, and it's about keeping it going. What do you doing every single day in your life to be an inspiration for someone or for yourself. How often you thinking about others versus you? How often you measuring the end of the day based on how people felt as they left and experience with you versus how you felt after the experience with them? If unfortunately, tomorrow was to not be, what would you be remembered by? What inspiration of you instilled in someone or something? How can they remember that and carry that with them? Because you put them first? Who's inspiring you? How often you taking the time to tell the person that's inspiring, knew how much it means to you and how big of a dent they've put into your life? Inspiration could be small. Inspiration could be anything from going and planting something so more people can experience trees. Inspiration could be being a great parent, a great coworker, a great family person, a great husband, a great wife. Whatever it might be, it does take effort in time, man. If you do bring that inspiration forward, it leaves a lasting impression on those, and it makes this place better. When I think about Kobe that I think about all he stood for in those families. I think that all of them let this place better. I think they set out to put others first and make a huge debt in people's lives. And I think during this tragedy, the one thing that we can learn from all of this is how can we inspire Maur? How can we do more? How can we make a bigger dent? I really challenge over the next week to take some time to think about who inspires you. And are you taking the time to think and think about how you can inspire others and how you can make that a sustainable practice in your life? Because it will make a huge dent? I promise you that. So with sadness and with pain overtime, we confined the reasons why and we could build on those, and I think we can become stronger because of it. It's not always to see easy to see it right now, but think about them and think about inspiration and think about how you could become Maur inspiration over those around you in all facets of your life. Remember, the power positivity is inside of you. You always have a chance to make it a great day. It's always a choice and I tell you to set forth and inspire others. Thank you for listening.