Make It A Great Day
Join podcast host Ryan Lee, President and COO of CBT Nuggets, for a dose of motivation and mindset training. Tune in if you aim to make today better than yesterday. We have choices every day that allow us to view each moment from a positive or negative perspective. Learning is the greatest tool to strengthen our minds and skillset. On “Make it a Great Day,” we work on training those soft skills into shaping your world to be a better place. Let’s make today a great day.
Make It A Great Day
Make It A Great Day: Staying Connected Virtually
Ryan Lee
Season 3
Episode 4
Connecting with another human is so important to our mental and physical health. Most of us do that connecting face to face, in a crowd at a concert etc. Today that is not possible but we still need to stay connected to one another. Good thing we have some amazing technology that allows us to do just that. Let's dive in together and talk through some ways to stay connected while we practise good social-distancing hygiene.